What We Do

Our Mission

FOCUS is an organization dedicated to upholding the foundational principles of Ocean City and the surrounding area, including:

  • Culture

  • Heritage

  • Values

  • Reputation

  • Image

  • Integrity

  • Faith

We are dedicated to the support of our community and the families and residents who make us a special place.  We will accomplish our goals through education, advocacy and support for leaders, ideas and policies that will advance our traditions and safeguard our future.


FOCUS will build a support system that advocates for and supports candidates and elected officials who possess the leadership, experience and vision to advance policies and solutions that will preserve our rich heritage and traditions, while preparing our community for the future and ensuring Ocean City remains a community for all.  Support will be given to candidates who are dedicated to the viability of the community and  are committed to a stable, growing and inclusive future.

We are a broad-based, pro-active, community-oriented organization comprised of members who are concerned with the well-being of Ocean City today, dedicated to preserving our heritage and traditions while looking to the future to ensure the vibrancy of our town.


A new organization is being created to guard against the erosion of our proud heritage and traditions,  and to ensure that the long-standing traditions of Ocean City remain intact.

For decades, families, young and old alike, have raised their children in Ocean City, either as residents or visitors, and have experienced that special feeling of life unique to Ocean City.

Ocean City has become known for the traditions and heritage that have motivated thousands and thousands of people to come here, as residents and visitors, to make their dreams reality.

We seek to be strategic in creating a better balance between short-term gains and  the long-term needs of Ocean City in the future.

Parents have an obligation to their children to ensure that they are well-educated, and prepared to succeed in the competitive and changing world we live in. This makes the quality of the local school system a critical element of our culture.

We recognize the complex and impactful issues the school and city administrations now face, and we seek to identify leaders to take an active part in providing direction and support through logical and pragmatic thinking to help address those myriad issues.

We will harness the energy of members of FOCUS into working with the government and school district of Ocean City to provide guidance and offer solutions to current and emerging issues.

The financial bottom line is frequently referred to in terms of economic of financial considerations. FOCUS includes heritage, traditions, and the future and safety of life as critical components of the bottom line.

For too long, there has been a silent majority of families, citizens, young and old alike, businesspeople, and others, who have noticed efforts by some to change the fabric of what makes Ocean City that special place. FOCUS will strive to ensure the fabric of Ocean City remains consistent with our traditions and heritage.

We will ensure issues are presented in their entirety and will not take a position without research — It serves no useful purpose to provide information without facts. FOCUS will employ a fact-based approach, using data and full information in making determinations. We will guard against distortions, lies and slanted opinions that all too often drive agendas and public opinion.

Just like our ongoing beach replenishment projects that are designed to stem the forces of nature, a new organization is about to be born, to prevent the erosion of our proud heritage, to ensure that the long-standing traditions of Ocean City remain intact so that today's youth can pass our heritage on to their children.

Today's citizens want to be informed. Being better informed leaders, parents, students, educators, officials and administrators, allows all of us to remove roadblocks and unlock our creative energy.  We will provide information, integrity, the whole truth and commitment.

In later life, citizens deserve to feel safe and secure, by knowing that Ocean City is providing a wide array of services designed to meet their needs. In essence, instead of trying to stop progress by looking only backwards, we need to look forward to ensure elected leaders share the same vision for the future that the members of FOCUS share.

Yesterday's solutions to problems don't always work today. Just as technology has grown by leaps and bounds in the last few years in how it impacts how we conduct our lives, consider that FOCUS will play an integral part in helping Ocean City to prepare for the future.

Tenets of FOCUS

  • Youth development

  • Senior citizen services

  • Traditional family values

  • Improving educational opportunities

  • Preserving heritage and traditions; envisioning how they will look in the future

Finally, we are concerned with taxes, and we pledge to work with the administration to find ways to limit government spending, while focusing on ensuring a proper balance between the bottom line and the long-term future and continuing traditions of Ocean City.


Families of Ocean City United in Success can make this happen!